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Barakat Contemporary | Michael Rakowitz

Michael Rakowitz, The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist, 2023, Barakat Contemporary, installation view. Photo: Barakat Contemporary.

Michael Rakowitz’s first solo exhibition in Korea is currently up at Barakat Contemporary, Seoul.

The Invisible Enemy Should Not Exist (Northwest Palace of Kalhu, Room F, Southeast Entrance; Room S, Southwest Entrance) is open through July 30, 2023.

The exhibition presents key works that Michael Rakowitz has been dedicated to for more than 20 years since the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq. Rakowitz has been continuously reappearing and returning the lost cultural heritage of Iraq in both autobiographical and historical registers: Rakowitz’s own family history of from Iraq to the US due to their Jewish faith, and Mesopotamian relics that were destroyed or have gone missing in the aftermath of the War.

Read more here.