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Museo d'Arte Orientale | LEE Mingwei

LEE Mingwei, Spirit House, 2022. Installation view, commissioned for the Sydney Modern Project with funds provided by The Chen Yet-Sen Family Foundation in honour of Daisy Chen, and the Art Gallery of New South Wales Foundation. Photo: Diana Panuccio.

Work by LEE Mingwei is currently included in Buddha10 Reloaded, a group exhibition at the Museo d’Arte Orientale in Turin, Italy. The exhibition features Sonic Blossom, a performance by Lee that will be presented from May 6 to June 4, 2023. The exhibition also features another work by Lee, Spirit House, a video documenting the participatory installation by the same name created for the Art Gallery of New South Wales in 2022.

The show is on view until September 3, 2023.

Read more here.