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NMCA Korea | Luyang

Luyang, Material World Knight, 2018. Three-channel HD digital video, 22:15, 1920x1080. Installation view, NMCA Korea. Photo: Hong Cheolki.

Luyang’s arcade is currently on view at the National Museum of Contemporary Art Korea in Seoul as part of the group exhibition Game Society.

According to NMCA Korea:

Game Society is an exhibition that examines how the grammar and aesthetics of video games have influenced contemporary art and visual culture, and permeated our society and daily lives over the five decades since the launch of the first video game. Video games encompass interface design for visual and auditory stimulation, storytelling that spurs the imagination, immersive experiences and social interactions, which makes them the most relevant media form today.

The exhibition features 9 video games and more than 30 artworks by contemporary artists who have been influenced by the grammar and aesthetics of video games.

Game Society is open through September 10, 2023.

Learn more here.