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Wellcome Collection | Lucy & Jorge Orta

Lucy + Jorge Orta, Milk, 2010, 16 cast and lacquiered aluminum milk containers, lacquered glass, 98.4 x 31.5 x 7.9 inches. Installation view, Wellcome Collection, London.

Work by artist duo Lucy & Jorge Orta is currently on view at the Wellcome Collection in London as part of the group exhibition Milk.

From the exhibition text:

"‘Milk’ explores our relationship with milk and its place in politics, society and culture. It considers how milk has come to be seen as so central to perceptions of nutrition and “good health” in the UK. The choices we make about milk are personal. But it is also a highly politicised liquid that has been used to exert power as well as provide care.”

Milk is open through September 10, 2023.

Read more here.