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Nieuwe Instituut | Lucy & Jorge Orta

Studio Orta, Modular Architecture - Nexus Architecture X 3, 1996. Microporous polyester, diverse textiles, zips, dimensions variable. Photo courtesy of the Artists.

Work by Studio Orta is currently on view at the Nieuwe Instituut as part of the grouo exhibition Workwear.

According to the exhibition text:

“The exhibition highlights how the simple design language, sustainable materials and symbolic meaning of workwear each appeal to the imagination in their own way. Discover the history and global impact of clothes that were once designed as tools. They inspired everyday fashion and haute couture and have been embraced for decades by diverse freethinkers, artists and politicians as symbols of solidarity and equality. Can workwear help us imagine the society of the future?”

Workwear is open through September 9, 2023.

Learn more here.