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Longmont Museum | Margarita Cabrera

Margarita Cabrera is participating in agriCULTURE: Art Inspired by the Land — a collaborative, contemporary art exhibition pairing more than 15 artists with Boulder County farmers to create new, site-specific visual works inspired by farming and the natural world.

This multi-venue exhibition features art at both museums, plus three local farms: Ollin Farms in Longmont, Milk and Honey Farm in Boulder and the Agricultural Heritage Center in Longmont.

Experience multi-media artwork that explores how farming is connected to climate change, water rights, ancestral lands, local history, environmental impacts, cultural heritage and so much more.

Cabrera has been paired with Ollin Farms, where her work "Between Earth and Sky” was created in the summer of 2022 in collaboration with over sixty community members. It is now on view at the Longmont Museum through January 7, 2023.

Learn more here!