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Hara Museum Tokyo | LEE Kit

Lee Kit, Flowers, 2018. Acrylic, emulsion paint, ink jet ink and pencil on cardboard, projector light, roll screen, size variable. Photo: Shigeru Muto.

Work by gallery artist LEE Kit is currently on view at the Hara Museum Tokyo as part of the group exhibition, Opposite the Sun Is Where the Blue Sky Lies: Works from the Hara Museum and the Hara Rokuro Collections.

Featured contemporary artists include: Ai Weiwei, Masako Ando, Georg Baselitz, Joseph Beuys, Jean Dubuffet, Gilbert & George, Zhang Huan, Jörg Immendorff, On Kawara, Lee Kit, Surasi Kusolwong, Jim Lambie, Roy Lichtenstein, Yoshitomo Nara, A.R. Penck, Jean-Pierre Raynaud, Tokihoro Sato, Yoshihiro Suda, Rufino Tamayo, Miwa Yanagi and others

The show is on through September 3, 2023.

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