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LuYang's Work in "Ultra Unreal" @ The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia

“I imagine my worlds to be open-ended, non-binary and multi-dimensional”

“The Ultra Unreal exhibition presents the works of six artists and collectives whose practices are connected to nightlife ecosystems across the globe. Club Ate (Sydney), Korakrit Arunanondchai and Alex Gvojic (Bangkok & New York), Lawrence Lek (London), Lu Yang (Shanghai), and Saeborg (Tokyo) build worlds that blend myth and reality, simulating more-than-human futures, evolving belief systems and fluid frameworks of being.

Curated by Anna Davis, the Ultra Unreal exhibition takes place in the MCA Galleries and beyond. Spread across physical and virtual spaces, it includes installations, performances, augmented reality (AR), film screenings and artist-led events.”

Ultra Unreal will be open from July 22 til October 2. Read more here!